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Shipping Information

Choose the appropriate transport route cheaply, quickly and safely.

Find out more about the shipping methods we offer in the shop, our shipping service providers and our delivery and shipping costs. If you have any further questions about "Shipping", please do not hesitate to contact our support team!

At maxxcount.de you pay

  • Only 1x shipping costs - regardless of the number of packages!
  • Free Shipping - from 199 € shopping cart total (for shipping in Germany)

Shipping within Germany

When ordering an item, we charge the following shipping costs within Germany:

Payment method/selection Shipping option Costs Delivery to DHL packing station Tracking
Shipping option "Deutsche Post Delivery" 1,95 € no no
Shipping option "DHL Parcel Delivery" 6,49 € yes yes
Cash on delivery (COD) 6,49 € + 7,90 € COD fee no yes
Shipping option "DHL Parcel Delivery" within Germany:

For a reliable and fast transport of the order to our customers we offer the shipping option "DHL Parcel Delivery" for all articles for a shipping within Germany!

Shipping option "Deutsche Post Parcel Delivery" within Germany:

For certain items, we offer our customers an additional shipping option "Deutsche Post Parcel Delivery", provided that these are suitable for shipping as postal goods shipment within Germany.

For this shipping option there is a lower shipping fee of only 1,95€. Please note: Cash on delivery is not possible here!

Free shipping within Germany

At maxxcount.de you order from an order value of 199,00 € free shipping within Germany.

Special features for shipping to German islands

Our shipping company DHL supplies the following German islands:

18565 Hiddensee 25849 Pellworm 25859 Hooge 25863 Langeneß 25869 Gröde
25938 Föhr 25946 Amrum 26465 Langeoog 26474 Spiekeroog 26486 Wangerooge
26548 Norderney 26571 Juist 26579 Baltrum 26757 Borkum 27498 Helgoland
25980 Sylt 25992 Sylt 25996 Sylt 25997 Sylt 25999 Sylt

Shipping abroad

When ordering an item for shipment abroad, we charge shipping costs according to the following shipping zones:

Zone Country Base price Kilo price
ZONE 1 (EU) Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Austria, Luxembourg, Monaco, Poland 15,90 € 1,15 €
ZONE 1 (NON-EU) Liechtenstein, Switzerland 27,90 € 1,29 €
ZONE 2 (EU/NON-EU) Andorra, Great Britain, Italy, San Marino, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Hungary, Vatican City 16,90 € 1,15 €
ZONE 3 (EU) Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Portugal, Romania 17,90 € 1,35 €
ZONE 3 (NON-EU) Albania, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, Northern Macedonia, Montenegro, Norway, Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Ukraine 29,90 € 1,99 €
ZONE 4 (NON-EU) Algeria, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Russian Federation, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey 37,90 € 3,90 €
ZONE 5 (NON-EU) Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Canada, China (People's Republic of), India, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Laos, Qatar, Malaysia, Maldives, Mexico, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, North Korea, Oman, East Timor, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, South Korea, Tajikistan, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkmenistan, USA, Uzbekistan, Ver. Arab Emirates, Vietnam 44,90 € 8,50 €
ZONE 6 (NON-EU) Rest of the world 57,90 € 10,90 €

Please also note the information on delivery time to foreign countries

For deliveries to non-EU countries additional customs duties and fees apply. Further information can be found, for example, at https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/home_en and on import sales tax at http://auskunft.ezt-online.de/ezto/Welcome.do and specifically for Switzerland at http://xtares.admin.ch/tares/login/loginFormFiller.do.

  • The shipping class and shipping costs assigned to the item will be communicated to you once again before the order is completed in step 4:"Shipping method" of the order process.

In-Store Pickup

Of course, you can also pick up your order in person. We offer you to buy your goods conveniently in our webshop, the possibility to pick up your order on site is part of our ordering process and can be selected in the ordering process. There are no shipping costs and we will inform you as soon as the goods are ready for collection.

Please make an appointment with us in advance by phone or e-mail, so that our employees can schedule sufficient time for your visit to answer any questions that may arise during installation.

Our In-Store Pickup adress:

maxxcount.de GmbH & Co. KG
Gostritzer Straße 61-63
Deutschland-01217 Dresden

Shipping company

For years, we have been working with the most reliable and fastest shipping service providers and freight companies to guarantee our customers smooth and prompt delivery of their orders. We therefore ship orders in Germany and abroad mainly with Deutsche Post & DHL. When ordering, you can choose between the shipping service providers we provide.

Detailed information about our shipping service provider:

  • Shipping on weekends
  • Storage at the post office/branch office: pickup also possible on weekends
  • Comprehensive logistics and branch network
  • Worldwide shipping
  • Track & Trace Shipment tracking via Internet or telephone

Information on delivery times

Do you need information about the estimated delivery time?

Here we give you an overview:

Information about delivery times within Germany

The delivery time within Germany is shown directly on the product in the "Delivery time" section.

Information on delivery times abroad

In the following table you will find the delivery times for shipping to other countries, which you have to add to the delivery time indicated for the respective article.

Country Additional maximum duration in days Country Additional maximum duration in days Country Additional maximum duration in days
Afghanistan 14 Jamaika 15 Paraguay 15
Ägypten 11 Japan 9 Peru 13
Albanien 11 Jemen 20 Philippinen 13
Algerien 15 Jordanien 14 Polen 9
Andorra 9 Kambodscha 15 Portugal 9
Angola 15 Kamerun 17 Ruanda 15
Antigua und Barbuda 20 Kanada 11 Rumänien 11
Äquatorialguinea 20 Kap Verde 20 Russland 13
Argentinien 13 Kasachstan 13 Salomonen 20
Armenien 14 Katar 13 Sambia 12
Aserbaidschan 13 Kenia 15 Samoa 20
Äthiopien 13 Kirgisistan 20 San Marino 13
Australien 12 Kiribati 20 São Tomé und Príncipe 16
Bahamas 15 Kolumbien 15 Saudi-Arabien 14
Bahrain 13 Komoren 17 Schweden 8
Bangladesch 20 Kongo, Demokratische Republik 15 Schweiz 8
Barbados 15 Kongo, Republik 15 Senegal 16
Belgien 8 Kroatien 11 Serbien 10
Belize 18 Kuba 15 Seychellen 14
Benin 20 Kuwait 13 Sierra Leone 15
Bhutan 15 Laos 20 Simbabwe 14
Bolivien 14 Lesotho 15 Singapur 10
Bosnien und Herzegowina 12 Lettland 10 Slowakei 9
Botswana 15 Libanon 13 Slowenien 8
Brasilien 14 Liberia 17 Spanien 9
Brunei 13 Libyen 17 Sri Lanka 13
Bulgarien 12 Liechtenstein 8 St. Kitts und Nevis 15
Burkina Faso 17 Litauen 11 St. Lucia 15
Burundi 17 Luxemburg 8 St. Vincent und die Grenadinen 15
Chile 14 Madagaskar 17 Südafrika 13
Cookinseln 13 Malawi 17 Sudan 12
Costa Rica 13 Malaysia 11 Südkorea 11
Dänemark 8 Malediven 14 Südsudan 12
Dominica 17 Mali 15 Suriname 15
Dominikanische Republik 15 Malta 9 Swasiland 14
Dschibuti 15 Marokko 12 Syrien 13
Ecuador 13 Marshallinseln 20 Tadschikistan 15
El Salvador 14 Mauretanien 15 Taiwan 11
Elfenbeinküste 13 Mauritius 13 Tansania 15
Eritrea 13 Mazedonien 12 Thailand 12
Estland 11 Mexiko 13 Timor-Leste / Osttimor 13
Fidschi 17 Mikronesien 17 Togo 15
Finnland 9 Moldawien / Moldau 12 Tonga 20
Frankreich 8 Monaco 9 Trinidad und Tobago 15
Gabun 15 Mongolei 15 Tschad 15
Gambia 15 Montenegro 12 Tschechien 8
Georgien 15 Mosambik 15 Tunesien 13
Ghana 16 Myanmar 15 Türkei 13
Grenada 20 Namibia 13 Turkmenistan 15
Griechenland 10 Nauru 20 Tuvalu 20
Großbritannien 9 Nepal 14 Uganda 15
Guatemala 15 Neuseeland 13 Ukraine 9
Guinea 16 Nicaragua 15 Ungarn 9
Guinea-Bissau 17 Niederlande 8 Uruguay 11
Guyana 20 Niger 16 USA 10
Haiti 15 Nigeria 14 Usbekistan 15
Honduras 15 Niue 13 Vanuatu 20
Hongkong 13 Nordkorea 20 Vatikanstadt 12
Indien 12 Norwegen 8 Venezuela 15
Indonesien 14 Oman 13 Vereinigte Arabische Emirate 12
Irak 20 Österreich 8 Vietnam 15
Iran 12 Pakistan 11 Volksrepublik China 16
Irland 9 Palästina 15 Weißrussland 11
Island 10 Palau 12 Zentralafrikanische Republik 15
Israel 11 Panama 13 Zypern 11
Italien 9 Papua-Neuguinea 15 Zypern (Nord) 11

If you order several articles with different delivery times, we will ship the goods in a single consignment, unless we have agreed otherwise with you. In this case, the total delivery time applies to the consignment of goods, which applies to the article in your order with the longest delivery time.

Information on calculating the delivery date

In the case of payment in advance, the period for delivery shall commence on the day following the placing of the payment order with the transferring bank or, in the case of other payment methods, on the day following the conclusion of the contract and shall end on the last day of the period. If the last day of the period falls on a Sunday or a state recognized public holiday at the place of delivery, the next working day shall replace such a day.

If an article is not in stock or not immediately available and the delivery time is extended accordingly, it will be pointed out separately on the respective product page in the shop.

Information on the availability display

Articles in the shop of maxxcount.de can have one of three possible statuses, depending on availability. These will be displayed on the item, in the product list and on the product detail page of our shop:

  • Article in stock - The article is in sufficient quantity in stock and ready for immediate shipment.
  • Items ordered - The item is currently out of stock, but is in infeed.
  • Item not available - This item is currently unavailable. Please contact our support.

If an article is not in stock or cannot be delivered immediately and the delivery time is extended accordingly, it will be pointed out separately on the respective product page.

Shipping notification

If the ordered goods are handed over to our shipping department, our customers receive a corresponding shipping notification by email. The order / package will be delivered in Germany within the delivery time indicated on the product.

Alternative shipping methods

Shipment of your order by forwarding agent or courier service is possible after consultation with a customer advisor and is particularly suitable for large orders or deliveries within Dresden and the surrounding area. Please note, however, that in this case different shipping costs may be due.

Your account manager will be happy to get you a daily updated offer from our shipping service providers.