Consumer electronics have long since followed us into the car and so it is understandable that we want to use them fully while driving.
Thanks to state-of-the-art technology, it is no longer a problem to connect MP3-Player, Smartphone, Notebook or Car PC to the car's radio system. Many retrofit solutions (also called CarKits) offer the additional convenience of simple and at the same time intuitive operation via radio / navigation system or possibly existing steering wheel remote control of the connected multimedia device.
There is a clear focus on the integration of Apple iPod & iPhone, Google Android Smartphones as well as USB storage media since the own music database can be put together here individually on the home PC. If this is even too cumbersome for you, simple streaming services such as Spotify, AMPYA, napster, simfy, etc. can be used via a smartphone app and play back this music via the loudspeakers of your car.
The most prominent manufacturers in this field are DENSION, GROM, iSimple, PAC and of course XCarLink with their many years of experience and their innovative products.